P&G is looking for new technology-enabled solutions, services and business models that incentivize and drive lasting behavior change.
The MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 4-6 MIT-connected startups to present and exhibit at the 2019 MIT Paris Symposium, November 8, 2019. Each selected startup will have ~3 minutes to present a lightning talk on a science-based technology they are bringing to market, including one compelling use case.
The Startup Exchange team is looking for up to 8 Startups to present and exhibit at the conference.
P&G is seeking startups for innovative consumer experiences: 1) Making a Sustainable Lifestyle Effortless 2) AI Technologies for Digital Expert Advisors with conversational AI and hybrid human-ML, 3) Transformative Transactions including sourcing, manufacturing, distribution, and autonomous supply chain, 4) Automation of Daily In-Home Consumer Tasks, and 5) Enabling Breakthrough Growth for Omnichannel Brands.
Join MIT Sloan Lecturer Miro Kazakoff on Tuesday, May 14 from 1pm to 2:30pm for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics, from generating urgency to asking questions to reaching the close. This is the fifth installment of our Sales Training startup series.
How can P&G enable consumers to do radically more with radically less water and energy use? How can we make invisible use of water & energy visible, right at the point of use? How might we particularly address the triangle of tension that exists between improving sanitization, reducing water & energy, whilst keeping the feeling of abundance of using water?. From incremental evolution to product innovation, easy-retrofit water-infrastructure changes (taps, faucets, showerheads, etc.) and water appliances that aim at both reducing (hot) water and re-using/purifying/enriching (hot) water, we want to partner!
Looking for 10 Startups to present during Startup Lighting Talks and participate at the lunch Exhibit on April 4, 2023 at the 2023 MIT Health Science Technology Conference.