Leading Japanese manufacturer of functional materials seeks startups for development of new applications for piezoelectric film.
Join Sandler trainer and consultant Joe Ippolito on May 18 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM ET for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics.
The Dubai Police is offering a partnership opportunity for the Smart City Naif project in Dubai. This concept revolves around the deployment of stable sensor networks for pedestrian movement detection, a comprehensive multimodal traffic overview system (car, pedestrian, bike), real-time incident detection, and Al based automated patrol alerts. Additionally, a physical and digital augmented 3D model will provide an interactive platform for decision-making at Naif police station.
John Andrews, CEO, Celect
"Trends in automotive robotics," Alexander Zak, Director Corporate R&D, Magna International
The Japan/Korean Startup Showcases is seeking startups to present and exhibit at three showcase events to be held in Osaka, Tokyo and Seoul.
We have never been closer to cracking cancer. MIT Startup Exchange, in collaboration with the MIT Koch Institute, is convening the 2nd annual Cracking Cancer event to discuss the latest advances in cancer innovation from the perspective of industry, academia, venture, and startups in the MIT ecosystem.