
Speak at the MIT Build.nano Conf @April 13

Deadline: March 3, 2022

MIT Startup Exchange and the Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) are partnering with the Center for Real Estate and MIT.nano, to convene the MIT Build.nano Conference on Wednesday, April 13

We are looking for startups with technologies and solutions arising out of an understanding of the nanoscale that apply to evolving the built environment. This can involve either technologies themselves engineered at that scale and also technologies applied to an area based on knowledge gained from exploring nanoscale materials and processes. 

The built environment includes human-made infrastructure to support living, from concrete and building materials, to cooling and electrical systems, to energy storage and distribution, to sensors and systems to manage buildings and the living environment. 

If your business is built on understanding or engineering at the nano scale and you think it may have an application in the built environment, please apply to this opportunity!  We are often surprised at where and how nano is applied in solving challenges and increasing capabilities within this environment.  Please tell us your story.

Presentation format

We are looking for 2 to 4 startups to present for 5-mins each, followed by 5-mins Q&A. Founder and/or C-level exec is preferred.

If you are selected

-Final decks will need to be submitted ~1 week prior.

-Presentation dry runs will need to be done roughly two weeks before the event.


Deadline: March 3, 2022
Posted on: February 9, 2022
Location: Boston Marriott Cambridge 50 Broadway Cambridge, MA 02142
Industry: Nano technology

MIT Startup Exchange and the Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) are partnering with the Center for Real Estate and MIT.nano, to convene the MIT Build.nano Conference on Wednesday, April 13

We are looking for startups with technologies and solutions arising out of an understanding of the nanoscale that apply to evolving the built environment. This can involve either technologies themselves engineered at that scale and also technologies applied to an area based on knowledge gained from exploring nanoscale materials and processes. 

The built environment includes human-made infrastructure to support living, from concrete and building materials, to cooling and electrical systems, to energy storage and distribution, to sensors and systems to manage buildings and the living environment. 

If your business is built on understanding or engineering at the nano scale and you think it may have an application in the built environment, please apply to this opportunity!  We are often surprised at where and how nano is applied in solving challenges and increasing capabilities within this environment.  Please tell us your story.

Presentation format

We are looking for 2 to 4 startups to present for 5-mins each, followed by 5-mins Q&A. Founder and/or C-level exec is preferred.

If you are selected

-Final decks will need to be submitted ~1 week prior.

-Presentation dry runs will need to be done roughly two weeks before the event.


To apply, please provide the following:

-Brief description of your startup's technology-based product/services and fit with the theme of the event.

-Brief description of current market traction (e.g. pilot, validation results, paying customers, etc.) and description of 1 compelling use case

-One-line tagline to be used for event agenda, please make it concise and clear, and avoid buzzwords.

  • To apply, please provide the following:

    -Brief description of your startup's technology-based product/services and fit with the theme of the event.

    -Brief description of current market traction (e.g. pilot, validation results, paying customers, etc.) and description of 1 compelling use case

    -One-line tagline to be used for event agenda, please make it concise and clear, and avoid buzzwords.

Disclaimer:  MIT Startup Exchange can make introductions that ideally provide open ended discussions in order to share mutual interests and potentially create common ground that incite the parties to collaborate. MIT Startup Exchange introductions may eventually lead to mutual partnerships, but that is not in any way guaranteed by MIT, MIT Corporate Relations, MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) or MIT Startup Exchange, which takes no responsibility for these outcomes and no formal part in such discussions following our introduction. MIT Startup Exchange and its activities and events are not for purposes of soliciting investment or offering securities.