Johnson Matthey, a leading sustainable technologies company, seeks startups in artificial intelligence and automation for collaboration.
As a global leader in sustainable technologies, we apply our cutting-edge science to create solutions with our customers that make a real difference to the world around us.
We are looking to improve our predictive capabilities for outcomes from repeated cycle testing. The goal is to enable prediction of performance at end of repeated cycling to identify "top hits" and screen out the "fail fast" groups thereby increasing capacity and shortening material development times.
Our use cases are as follows:
The Battery Materials Technology team focuses on developing the next generation of cathode materials, bringing a future in which EVs are the norm closer every day. We sit within the wider Battery Materials sector and have worked collaboratively with many battery start-ups over the years.
The Labs of the Future team is working on delivering better performing, more protectable products and processes at the pace our markets and customers need. This is achieved by giving our scientists connected data at their fingertips, with the tools and skills to exploit it, supported by laboratories with advanced automation and robotics. The team sits within Corporate R&D and has two ongoing collaborations with start-ups in the AI and machine learning space.
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