If you would like to submit a solution, please go to the P&G Innovation Brief Response Form of your choice to complete their form with the requested information, AND submit here and we'll try to to help you get status on your application.
P&G wants to transform consumer research with Universal Design to make products usable and accessible to all people, regardless of age, disability, or other factors. Universal Design has 7 key principles such as equitable use, flexible in use, simple and intuitive use, perceptible information, tolerance for error, low physical effort, and size & space for approach and use. Through the use of advanced technologies, further insight may be gained to identify challenges people have using our products for tasks in their homes in order to achieve Universal Design.
To achieve Universal Design of our products, P&G covets privacy preserving research methods that are capable of measuring actual behavior of product use within actual use environments, inclusive of consumers’ homes. To do this a new generation of cost-effective qualitative & quantitative research tools must be developed. Capturing and processing of measured data is critical to research learning. To address this grand challenge, advanced methods combining passive listening (sensors, audio, visual), edge computing with embedded AI development, and communication network technologies need to be integrated to limit data for transfer to the cloud and most importantly preserve privacy. Relevant technology and/or solutions include:
For more information, and to apply, please visit this link: www.pgconnectdevelop.com/needs/lifelab/
P&G uses images of consumers and products generated in research to develop new digitally enabled products. Evolving consumer needs requires more ‘data’ (e.g. image, video , text, audio, temporal signal ) to accelerate development of new digital products for consumers.
We are looking for potential partners/providers to propose unique solutions, technologies to automate generation of ‘synthetic’ image and label data as a critical building block in developing algorithms and models. How can P&G apply the use synthetic ‘Image’ & ‘label’ data to accelerate the development of digital products? Relevant technologies and services may include a solution that generates high quality images that have (almost) the same quality as real images. Images of interest can be:
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